Be Heard, Understood, and Respected?

Be Heard, Understood, and Respected?

Be Heard, Understood, and Respected

Think of the changes for your child at school when your voice and ideas are truly heard, understood and respected!

My new book, The Art of Advocacy: A Parent’s Guide to a Collaborative IEP Process is just what you need to make positive changes for your child.  You can get a Kindle version – if you don’t have a Kindle, no worries.  Just get a free Kindle app for your smart phone, tablet, or computer.  If you prefer to hold a book in your hands, you can buy the paperback version.  Click here to get your own copy of this Amazon International Best Seller.

I’ve written this book for parents just like you.  You’ve gone to IEP workshop after IEP workshop, searched for answers at conferences, done late night research on the internet, and yet you still have those guilty feelings that you’re not doing a good enough job advocating for your child.

It takes more than gathering records, giving factual information or reciting research and the law to be a successful advocate for your child.

With clarity, honesty, and insights I share how to be a more effective advocate for your own child.  After reading The Art of Advocacy: A Parent’s Guide to a Collaborative IEP Process, you will know:

* that certain finesse that is necessary when dealing with disagreements

* how asking the right question will get you the right answer

* the secrets to creative problem solving when the team has hit a roadblock 

Readers will also receive priceless bonuses:

* a template for writing effective emails

* lists of clarifying and probing questions to ask

* step-by-step ways to creatively solve problems, and much more!

I give examples of actual conversations and real scenarios to help you learn what to do and what not to do at special education meetings.

Chapters include:

1) Conflict and Collaborative Advocacy;

2) How to Listen And Ask Questions With Genuine Curiosity;

3) How to Listen With Your Eyes;

4) Know What to Say When;

5) Building Authentic Relationships;

6) How to Use Collaborative Problem Solving;

7) The End is Really The Beginning

Each chapter is written so busy parents can get to the point quickly.

When you combine the art of advocacy with a collaborative way of solving problems there will be:

* a positive difference in the tone of meetings

* parent voices that are heard and understood, and

* happier, safer, and more successful students in schools

Read this book, practice what you’ll learn, and gain the confidence to become an even more effective advocate for your child!  Parents that have worked with me know my insights and strategies are invaluable when advocating for children with any type of disability.

If you haven’t bought the book yet, Click here.

I bet you know a friend or two that would love some advocacy tips.  Go ahead and let them know about this awesome resource.


Remember, change is possible.  Let’s make it happen!