Do You Want A Magic IEP Wand?
The training for staff can be written into the IEP. It would be written in the section where special education and related services are listed in the IEP. There is a place in the IEP for a Service Delivery Statement (right by the table that lists the people that will work with your child, for how much time, etc.) where the team can write some sentences explaining the services your child will receive and services provided on behalf of the student (training for staff).
Many teams don’t know that staff training can be written in the IEP. You can refer them to the Federal IDEA regulation, §300.320 (4). Please remember, I’m not an attorney and can’t interpret laws and regulations, so read the regulation and draw your own conclusions.
You want your request to be as specific as possible. You could say something like:
“Initial and ongoing training will be provided for all the staff working with David by a certified Occupational Therapist who is trained and experienced working with students with Sensory Processing Disorders. The initial training will consist of an introduction to students with SPD, differences between sensory seeking and sensory avoiding behaviors, and common ways to help students become self-regulated. Ongoing, monthly training will focus on how the SPD is manifested in David, successful ways to have him get his sensory needs met and the need to provide sensory breaks before David becomes dis-regulated. The monthly training will also allow staff working with David to share strategies and be a way to monitor which strategies are working the best.”
If the team only writes “professional development for SPD training” the school could give everyone a handout about it and say they provided professional development for the staff. Just like you want every area of the IEP to be very specific, you want a detailed description of the professional development training.
Would you love some personalized help so you can wave that Magic IEP Wand and create changes for your child? Give me a call and let’s talk, 208.340.5874 or send me an email at